New Story! Sacrifice

Eric and Sookie B&W TAGGED BANNER

When Hep-V was unleashed on the world the vampire population mutated into something new.  Now the hordes run rampant over the planet, driven by an endless hunger to feed on flesh and spread their contagion to all living things.  The world is ending in beats fast and slow and Eric is looking for the woman who means more to him than anything else.  Will it be too late when he finds her, and what terrible sacrifices might he have to make to set right what has gone wrong?

TB/Post S6/Eric & Sookie/AU/OOC/NC-17

3 thoughts on “New Story! Sacrifice

  1. Oh yum! I can’t wait! Love your work!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. idream3223 says:

    Thank you, my friend! I appreciate your support very much and I look forward to your comments as the story unfolds!


  3. […] Sacrifice by IDream3223. Hep-V caused the vamps who had it to mutate as well. […]


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